Tuesday 19 July 2011

Summer Berry Bavaroise

After a long break, I'm slowly picking up baking again. I first made this dessert for a friend's wedding. I wanted to give them something delicious and had this idea in my head of dacquoise, summer berry coulis and raspberry bavaroise. I had never made this before, so doing it for the first time as a wedding gift was rather risky. But I took the (calculated) risk anyway, putting in love and care to make sure it was done well. It paid off :) She came back wanting to learn how to make it! So we decided to organize a pot luck evening with some girls.

After some long weeks, we finally arrived at the anticipated date. It was a girls' event, so our partners were left to their own devices. We had a lovely evening sharing delicious food and friendship from different cultures while learning the recipe. I was a little exhausted at the end of the day but it was well worth it. It was a beautiful sunny day (it has been raining so much these days that I'm starting to wonder if summer has ended... ) where I had fun playing tennis in the afternoon and enjoyed a delightful evening with the girls. It was a shame that we couldn't taste the bavaroise as it needed a good couple of hours to chill! I compensated them with moelleux chocolat instead. I woke up to another rainy day but found a little treasure in the fridge - my summer berry bavaroise. I really enjoyed it ;)

p.s. thanks editor for "giving up" the apartment for the girls ;)

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